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ACTIVITY: Big Bang Snap Judgment


This activity gives you a chance to get familiar with some of the big ideas related to the Big Bang.
"History of the Universe" by Yinweichen - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons


Think about the following statements:
1. We have a sense of what happened during the first few minutes of the Big Bang.
2.?The four fundamental forces are gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force.
3.?As the Universe expanded, it got hotter.
4.?The formation of the first atoms had an effect on the Universe.
5.?Cosmic background radiation is compelling evidence that supports the Big Bang theory.

For Further Discussion

In the Questions Area below, list one statement from the list above and say whether you think it is true or false. Since this is a Snap Judgment activity, you donˇŻt have to list evidence. YouˇŻll learn more about these statements later.

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